The total amounts billed to subscribers or received from advertisers for the provision of video services within the City, including:
(1) Recurring charges for video service,
(2) Event-based charges for video service, including, but not limited to, pay-per-view and video-on-demand charges,
(3) Rental of set top boxes and other video service equipment,
(4) Service charges related to the provision of video service, including, but not limited to, activation, installation, repair and maintenance charges,
(5) Administrative charges related to the provision of video service, including, but not limited to, service order and service termination charges, and
(6) A pro rata portion of all revenue derived, less refunds, rebates or discounts, by a video service provider for advertising over the video service network to subscribers, where the numerator is the number of subscribers within the City and the denominator is the total number of subscribers reached by such advertising; but gross revenues do not include:
(i) Discounts, refunds and other price adjustments that reduce the amount of compensation received by a video service provider,
(ii) Uncollectibles,
(iii) Late payment fees,
(iv) Amounts billed to subscribers to recover taxes, fees or surcharges imposed on subscribers or video service providers in connection with the provision of video services, including the video service provider fee authorized herein,
(v) Fees or other contributions for PEG or I-Net support, or
(vi) Charges for services other than video service that are aggregated or bundled with amounts billed to subscribers, provided the video service provider can reasonably identify such charges on books and records kept in the regular course of business or by other reasonable means.
Except with respect to the exclusion of the video service provider fee, gross revenues shall be computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.